Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Types of Economic Systems

  1. Traditional Economies: is an economic system in which resources are allocated by inheritance, and which has a strong social network and is based on primitive methods and tools. It's found today mainly in underdeveloped, agricultural parts of South America, Asia and Africa.
  2. Centrally Planned (Command) Economy: This is an enconomic system in which the state or government controls the factors of production and makes all decisions about their use and about the distribution of income.
  3. Market Economy: is an economic systetm in which the production and distribution of goods and services takes place through the mechanism of free markets guided by a price system rather than by the state in a planned economy.
  4. Mixed Economy: is an economy that has a mix of economic systems. It is usually defined as an economy that contains both private-owned and state-owned enterprises or that combines elements of capitalism and socialism or a mix of market economy and commnad economy

what is the difference between communism and socialism?
Communism is a political system basd on the sahirng of all work and property by the whole communiy. Instead Socialism is that the government should own and control all the major industries.

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