Friday, March 2, 2007

Insider Trading Scandal-What happened?

On March 1, 2007 13 people were arrested under the chargesd of Insider Trading. This scheme involved four investements bankers, hedge funds, dasy traders, lawyers and also some supervisors who found out about the fraud that was occurring and blackmailed the traders inb order for them to keep their silence. According to the New York Times, this has been the most largest inside trading rings in Wall street since the 1980's. Some of this suspects are well known by society as big executives and stock brokers that worked for big companis such as "Bear Stearms" and "Bank of America." Over a 5 year period one of the accused men was said to have made over $5 million in illicit profits. Up to now 9 of the accused have been arrested and the other four pleaded guilty to crimes such as bribery and securitie fraud.

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