Thursday, May 10, 2007

Student Loans - Beware

The reason for this studetns to take such a deep amount of money for their studies was that their own schools promessed stuff that were not true. As said in the article"The story is always the same. The school convinces the student they are going to be the next Julia Child or Wolfgang Puck, and the student will sign anything.” said Alan Collinge, who founded the grass-roots lobbying group Student Loan Justice and collects information from people with student loan problems. Making this fake promises, students will sign papers without even looking at them, and also the fact that the majority of this students are the first one's to go into college from their families, its more easier for the college to trick them. In my personal opinion, i will never take a loan. The same education that its giving at a SUNY school, would be given to me at a CUNY. It is just a about a name in your diploma. Of course if you go to harvard, and you ask for a job at any place, its most likely for you to get it since Harvard its a prestige school. But no everything is just about the name of the school. It is also about the kind of education that you get, and how you applied towards your daily job. Many of my friends feel the same way as I do, Loans are not good whatsoever. The rest of your life you are going to be paying the governemnt the money that they lent you. You wont have money to buy house, a car, or anything because your debt will be so big that there will be no money left. Thats not having a life.

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