Monday, May 14, 2007

Taxes - How Does The Government Get Money?

There are different types of taxes that American citizens have to pay. There is Federal taxes, State taxes and also, local taxes. The government gets its money by deducting a partial amount out of your paycheck, and by doing so, people are left with almost half of their paycheck. Some people prefer working illegaly because of this issue. Let say that you get paid by week, 800$. out of those 800 bucks if you support members of your family, they will take little tax out, but if you are living alone, they will take about 300 to 400 on just tax. Its just incredible the amount of taxes that you have to pay and there is many people out there that have no idea on where that money is going, but there are some others that know where it goes. State taxes and local taxdes apply for clothing and any other items that are bought in a store that belongs to the state. Federal taxes, are the ones you pay every year to the government, income tax. It evaluates how much momney your earned through out the whole year, and out of that money they get money out. If you have children or someone depends on you, you might get money back.

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