Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Taxes - How Does The Government Spend Money?

The US government spends peoples taxes on: The deparment of labor, department of education, department of commerce, department of homelland security, enviornmentak protecton agency, and many more. In the other hand THe State of New York spends its money in jails, community service, medicine, health plans, shelters for homeless people, public places such as parks or picking up the garbage. I did some research online and found out that the federal government spends an average of $22,039 on each household and that amount is divided into other groups that were mentioned above. in my opinion theres a lot of people that do not realize how much the government takes advantage and steals the money that we earn with our working sweat. Something must be done about this, because the taxes that are been taking off are going to places that we dont even know, and the other money goes to other things that we dont need.

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